Preview - Ideal Gas Laws - Connected Chemistry 2019

Reflecting on our models

In this final section, we will compare all three of our models (written, sketch, and computational).

Referenced Questions

These questions were answered in the previous steps. They are provided here for your reference.

Now please illustrate your previous answer using the sketching tool below. What happens when the person presses the valve after pumping air? Please do not spend more than 6 minutes on this task.

Note: You can omit the paper pieces in your drawing.

Warning!: The "Clear" button will clear the whole sketch! If you want to erase parts of your drawing, use the white colored pencil.

When you are done building your model, save it using the  button. Upload your model file using the "Browse" button below.

Also take a screenshot of your model using the  button. Upload your screenshot using the "Browse" button below.

When you are satisfied with the way the particles behave,  and upload it using the "Browse" button below.


Please answer the questions below.

How does each of your models (textual, sketch, computational) compare to what happens inside the actual air duster can?

Do you think your computational model actually represents what is happening in real life? Please elaborate (min. 2 sentences).

Optional follow-up question

If you were to explain your final understanding of how the “air duster can” works in real life as a grand, coherent theory, how would you express it? (no more than 3 sentences).


These notes will appear on every page in this lesson so feel free to put anything here you'd like to keep track of.